Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

Get around

The most convenient way to explore Pontianak is either by taxi or rented car. The entire Pontianak is integrated by road link, parts of which are not well maintained. There are also plenty of cheap (IDR2,000) public buses in the form of minivans but sometimes it can be kind of adventure to use them since the buses are not well marked, drivers and most of the locals do not speak English and the orientation is difficult. The public buses are marked by colors which indicate their routes. There are yellow, red, grey, blue, light green, dark green buses. Yellow buses serve Jl. Tanjungpura and Jl. Imam Bonjol. Red buses will serve the route to Jeruju, grey buses serve Jl. Gajahmada, dark green buses serve Kota Baru area. There isn't any central bus station for intracity buses, but some will congregates in Jl. Tanjungpura. Also there are boats crossing the river and this is in general the most convenient and the cheapest (IDR1,000) way to get in to the other side.

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